Retail pricing is the responsibility of the dealer. No two dealers are alike, no two markets are alike and starting retail prices are set by individual dealers. Prices will vary from dealer to dealer with local economic conditions. One dealer may mark their piano list price up considerably higher than another so that when they discount the price, it seems that you are getting a much better deal. 

In some States there are laws that prohibit the making or the permitting of the making, of any materially false or misleading representation to the public as to the regular selling price of any product in any form whatever. The regular selling price is determined by using one of two tests: either a volume of the product was sold at that price or higher within a reasonable period of time (volume test); or the product was offered for sale in good faith for a substantial period of time at that price or a higher price (time test).

In the event that the regular price refers to the normal price of a brand name on the market, unless dealers have sold a substantial volume of the product at the represented regular price, it cannot be referenced as the regular price. Just ask "Show me the invoice at the regular price!"

Hoffmann, W.
Vertical Pianos Invoice
V112 44" Polished Ebony 7,600
V120 47" Polished Ebony 8,320
T122 48" Polished Ebony 9,520
T128 50" Polished Ebony 10,720
Grand Pianos Invoice
T161 5 ' 3 " Polished Ebony 25,350
T177 5 ' 9 " Polished Ebony 28,800
T186 6 ' 2 " Polished Ebony 29,850
V158 5 ' 2 " Polished Ebony 20,850
V183 6 ' 1 " Polished Ebony 25,200